If you are a frequenter of any of the popular watch forums you most certainly have seen the discussion pop up regarding fakes, homages and replicas and each persons opinion on each. This is a common topic and often a heated one as some people have very strong feelings regarding one term or another. But, sometimes the discussion is muddled by varying definitions of the terms and which is appropriate in which situation. Having been part of these conversations I have my own thoughts on these terms as they apply to our hobby; my opinion is not the final word, obviously, but my own take based on the definitions of the terms.
Let’s start with what I feel is the most misused term when it comes to watches: replica. When this word is most often used it is in reference to a watch that makes its best efforts to look exactly like another watch only made by a different manufacture. The idea is to as closely replicate the real watch, hence the term replica. That does fit in with the definition of the word, at its core:
1. An exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller scale.