Keeper of Time is directed by Michael Culyba, and explores not just the history of watchmaking and horology, but the nature of time itself. In addition to interviews with folks like Roger Smith, Philippe Dufour, and F.P. Journe, the film features experts in theoretical physics, physiology, and philosophy, as well as a slew of watch industry veterans, including Ben Clymer, William Massena, Nicholas Manousos, and many more. With such a varied group of people participating in the film, it promises to be a thoughtful look at watchmaking and timekeeping itself from a variety of angles, and we’re excited to see the finished product.
Keeper of Time is currently near the end of post-production and the producers hope to show the film at festivals beginning in late winter or early spring of 2021. To keep up to date with new information about the film as its release draws closer, be sure to check out Keeper of Time’s official website at Also, be sure to follow the film on Instagram at @keeperoftimemovie.