Recap: Windup Watch Fair San Francisco 2019 (Video and Gallery)

Last month, we hosted our second annual Windup Watch Fair in San Francisco, and it was — and this almost goes without saying — a total blast! We had a great assortment of vendors at this year’s west coast show, and we want to give a huge shout out to all the brands who made this year’s event such a success, especially our event sponsors: Lead Sponsor Oris, and Featured Sponsors StockX and Windup Watch Shop.

We also want to give a shout out to all the fantastic watch heads who spent three days talking, trying on, buying, and geeking out over watches — you made the atmosphere of the show absolutely electric. Windup Watch Fair wouldn’t be the event that it is today without all the people who attended, so we want to give you all a big thanks for showing up!

We’re already talking about our next New York show, which will take place this coming fall on October 25 – 27th, so stay tuned for more news in the coming months and check out the Windup Watch Fair website here. Until then, enjoy the recap video and photos from Windup Watch Fair San Francisco 2019.


Check out even more photos in the gallery below!

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Ilya is Worn & Wound's Managing Editor and Video Producer. He believes that when it comes to watches, quality, simplicity and functionality are king. This may very well explain his love for German and military-inspired watches. In addition to watches, Ilya brings an encyclopedic knowledge of leather, denim and all things related to menswear.