And so, with kids still preoccupied with spider web sticks, I read the instructions to treat enough collected stream water to keep them hydrated for the short day ahead.
Step one: Mix Part A and Part B in a separate container, and let sit for 5 minutes.
A flaw of the Land Tortoise’s friction fit bezel is its tendency to wander throughout the day. I always start the day with “N” at 12:00, but it’s usually hovering somewhere between 11:45 and 12:15 when I check the time. It’s a silent bezel, and I don’t hear it move. Annoying, but usually non-consequential. But when using the bezel to measure elapsed time, this inaccuracy can become hazardous. As I line up the “N” with the minute hand to time the next 5 minutes, I leave my watch on a log to ensure the bezel does not get bumped.
Step two: Combine your water treatment solution with your water. Shake. Wait 15 minutes.
Again, I line up “N” with the current time. Again, leaving my watch where it can’t be disturbed.
After a relaxing morning of packing up camp and eating oatmeal, we hit the trail. The sun was still rising. We jumped over the same puddles and admired the same scenery, this time without calculating speed or even checking the time. We ate some snacks, saw a salamander, played “I spy”, and then the trail head appeared.
Released just recently in 2021, time will tell how history will remember this Land Tortoise. Perhaps as a more wearable version of the Turtle, loved for its quirkiness. Or, maybe as a less practical alternative to the Seiko Alpinist. As for me, I’m inclined to believe it’s the second of the two. Sure it is comfortable and looks at home in the backcountry, but thankfully those aren’t hard qualities to find in a field watch- they are the bare minimum. And while I don’t need a compass bezel, I’m still romanticizing the idea of putting one to use for its intended purpose on the remaining 44 miles of this trail. But if that compass bezel is going to pull double duty and track elapsed time, I need to know I can rely on it to remain stationary- something I can never trust the wandering bezel on the Land Tortoise to do. Seiko