I have talked at length here on worn&wound about charm before, and how difficult it is to engineer into a timepiece. Today’s watch brings to mind a related, but not identical, concept—character in design. Too little individual character in a watch, and there’s nothing to separate it from a sea of similar pieces. Too much, and the watch runs the risk of becoming garish, difficult to wear or heavy-handed. The key is in moderation: knowing just how much idiosyncrasy to pump into a design to set your brand above the rest, while remaining timeless and usable in any situation. Very few young watch brands understand this idea better than Britain’s Farer, who have built an unmistakable brand aesthetic in no time at all. The purest expressions of this lie in their GMT models, where their bold and clear graphical style is given ample room to play with their signature splashes of color. The Oxley GMT (named for colonial British surveyor John Oxley, the man who first mapped much of Queensland, Australia) sits at the pinnacle of this range, sporting a top-grade ETA 2893-2 heart and a multi-surfaced dial approach. Without any further ado, let’s take a look at how well Farer’s design chops work at the top level.