Zelos has made a splash on Kickstarter successfully funding numerous watch projects, among them the Helmsman, Chroma, Abyss and Cosmos. All have been delivered to satisfied customers around the world, cementing Zelos’ solid track record among watch aficionados. Zelos is back once again on the crowdfunding scene with their latest release that is, as of this writing, already well past the brand’s funding goals. The watches in this campaign are loosely based on the same overall design and fall into three models: The Visionary, The Gallant and The Avant.

The Visionary features a dial made of meteorite, a material Zelos has used before. Using meteorite for the dial means no two will look exactly alike. The Gallant runs with a similar aesthetic, sans the exotic material choice. Here we have solid colors instead, available in white and what looks like charcoal gray.