In the final installment of our Windup Watch Fair Discussions series, we have three great interviews with some of our favorite brand founders. The brands represented here run the gamut in terms of design and price point, and really feel like a cross section of where the micro-brand space is at this moment.
Featured today we have an interview with Lewis Heath of anOrdain, a brand known for their incredible enamel dials, who debuted brand new cases at Windup this year. We’re also featuring an interview with Bill Yao, who runs both MK II and Tornek-Rayville. In this conversation, he articulates the key differences between his two brands, which should clear up any confusion among watch enthusiasts as to why there’s a need for both. Finally, we recorded an interview with Baltic’s Etienne Malec and Nivada-Grenchen’s Guillaume Laidet. It was great to have these two in a room together to talk about their brands and where each is heading in the near future.